Reed Lineup - Ulricehamns Tapetfabrik

Reed Lineup

  • Reed Lineup
  • Chestnut Lineup
  • Lush Hills Lineup
  • Evening Swim Lineup

Reed Lineup

The reeds are whizzing and to that reassuring sound visual impressions are added. A reed tuft is rarely still. The slightest gust of wind makes the reeds sway and whisper. The wallpaper Reed Lineup is inspired by the playful shadows which appear among the reeds and it is a grateful teammate in rooms where the elements of nature are picked up in the interior decoration. Match with Pier or Pier Tactile.

About Ulricehamns Tapetfabrik Under the comprehensive term LOCALS we will release classic plain wallpapers with our unique colour ID. Wallpapers which manage well on their own but also capture and emphasize the available selection for those who aim at matching. Read more.

Article number 903-41
Width 53 cm
Pattern repeat 0 cm
pattern matching Fri
Roll length 10,05 meter
Material Non-woven
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